

Amy and Champ smallerHi! I’m Amy and that handsome guy next to me is Champ. Digging in the dirt, growing vegetables, planting a fruit orchard, raising chickens and collecting fresh eggs, stacking and storing wood for the winter, canning, freezing, and drying the harvest, making a scrap quilt in the winter, knitting wool mittens for the kids, letting Champ run without the leash – these are my BIG dreams! For now, I live in the suburbs, work full-time, and raise 4 kids, while trying to incorporate many of the traditional homesteading values. We spend much of the weekends baking fresh bread, mending, crafting, or making batches of fresh yogurt for the week. When a zipper breaks or pants need hemming, we fix them instead of tossing away and spending on new. We’ve built a small raised bed garden, planted a lemon tree and blueberry bushes, and built a compost bin that is raccoon proof! It’s not the country spread I dream of, but we keep trying, learning, and making our way to live our lives in touch with nature and traditional values. This blog is all about living simply, trying to incorporate as many homesteading techniques as our time and resources will allow. Eventually, I’d love to transition to a few acres in the country and homestead full-time. Until then, we’ll keep being thankful for what we have, right here in the middle of the suburbs.




  1. Hi Amy, I love your blog. So many times I have wanted to start planting a small fall garden, but never seemed to get around to it. Now I am inspired to plant a least one fall veggie. Thanks, I’ll keep checking back to see what you’re doing next.


    1. Hi Cynthia,

      Thanks so much!! So glad you are inspired to plant something this fall – I’d love to know what you decide on. With all this rain we’ve had, my little zucchini plants have started to poke through the dirt – so exciting to see them grow!


    1. Hi!- Amy Kathy Mitaly your father spoke to me this morning about the squash seeds. We live in Petersburg too. He helps my husband John out alot with tracker parts. Anyway I like your blog and going to try some of your recipes let you know how we like them they sound delicous. Thank him please and you. Happy New Year to all!


      1. Hi Kathy! Glad you like the blog! 🙂 The Giant squash was a big hit with the kids – we had a lot of fun cooking it up and counting the seeds and it was delicious too. My youngest daughter, Em, is going to bring a picture of the squash and some seeds to school. The local elementary school has a big garden that the kids help out with so we thought it would be interesting for the kids to try to grow some Giant Squash too. Happy New Year!! 🙂


  2. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!


  3. Thank you for sharing your info. I truly appreciate your efforts and I am waiting
    for your next post thank you once again.


  4. I grew up on a farm and understand so much of what you feel. I taught all of my five kids (2 boys, 3 girls) how to sew, mend, iron, make butter, cottage cheese, cook, while living in an apartment in the city before moving to my Gods acre in a small town and having our garden. Bless you


    1. Thank you, Mabel. Nice to know others feel the same way. 🙂


  5. Amy… Just met your kids… You are doing a great job! Morgan and I had great discussions on school, etc.
    Don’t know if you remember me, but your dad led me to your site… He’s pretty proud of you! Happy 4th.
    Dianne Mosher


    1. Thanks so much, Dianne!!! 🙂 Morgan was telling me about the great time she had at the parade and that she had met you. Happy 4th! I miss that great parade and am happy to see it still going on! I have lots of wonderful 4th of July parade memories from when I was my kid’s age. 🙂


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